REGIFTING REVIVAL! A Guide to Reusing Gifts Graciously

WELCOME to the "official" regifting blog, and

Home of the "original" REGIFT GODDESS!!

There are no bad regifts, only bad regifters! If you

A) have ever received a potentially regiftable item,

B) are about to give a gift previously given to you,

or C) don’t know what kind of gift to give at all, this is the place to ask your regifting questions, share your own regifting stories, and join me in reviving the once well-regarded way of giving gifts to anyone for any reason. "Gracious Regifting" is the best way to recycle unwanted gift waste, once and for all!



Monday, December 28, 2009

Why return it when you can graciously regift it??

It was one of the merriest Christmases ever! How about yours?? With our holiday budget cut in half this year, and some fairly large, unexpected pre-Christmas expenses...(dog surgery, car issues...)spending huge amounts of $$$ on good gifts for family, friends, and others was simply not an option this year. Apologies to any friends, family and others who felt slighted, or ignored this holiday. You were still in our thoughts and prayers. No baking got done, old decorations were used, cards barely got sent, and aside from a Wii as a "family gift" for the kids--big and small-- many of the gifts passed out on Christmas morning were regifts, and we had a blast! The kids thought it was fun coming up with ingenious ways to "graciously regift" items that they chose from various places, including the regift closet. Although some of the regifting to mom and dad were gifts already given to mom and dad, which wasn't quite the idea, but it was good for alot of laughs! We put the kids on a "treasure hunt" for their gifts and so it added to the fun. Not many "regiftables" were received this year, either, (except for the some of the ones re-regifted--!)Needless to say, the regift closet did not get an inventory boost this Christmas! I hate to say it, but I think we may have even learned a valuable lesson or two. Because we paid more attention this year to the real "reason for the season", hopefully we set the stage for 2010, and living--and gift giving-- more frugally this year is not going to be an issue. We had alot of fun together as a family and when the AMX bill comes, we won't go into cardiac arrest. Ironically book and jewelry sales did not adequately supplement the income as we had hoped, but the future is still ours to see... Happy Holidays to all!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Regiftng Day Special: Yes or NO, here's my answer...

Ok, I figured out a way to answer my reporter friend, and for all of the anti-regifters... you can read it in the Dear Goddess column, but quite simply it still boils down to this: The way that you regift (or present the present!) is more important than why you are regifting in the first place. 

Anyone can simply regift, but “gracious regifters” are those who take regifting to a classier and more personal level, and seriously strive to make a “regiftable” gift a suitable item to give as a present to a person they care about.

There are no bad regifts, there are only bad regifters. 
Hopefully one day, everyone will recognize the difference.


I have it on "good authority" that TODAY IS Regifting Day.... but hey, I'll celebrate it tomorrow, too!  (And the next day, and the day after that....!) In any case, I will also be celebrating, of sorts, with Michelle Singletary of The Washington Post today at noon 
if you care to listen can even field me some of those burning regifting questions and dilemmas you have been meaning to ask me.  I received one (which I haven't posted yet because I'm still trying to figure out how to respond) from a reporter who was extremely anti-regift but who was tasked with writing an article about it with a "positive spin" and he was hoping I could help him out. Not long after that I got a phone call from "another" reporter, oddly with a similar story.  I did my best to convince him that it wasn't that big of a deal, and if he didn't want to do it, fine, but he shouldn't be so hard on those who may regift to him (although he would be one I wouldn't necessarily "graciously" regift to...!) He seemed a little miffed and insulted when I told him he had already regifted because he said --rather proudly, I might add!-- that he usually bought several of  the same things to use for gifts when he got a great deal-- "Well, then, Mr. Non-Regifter Reporter, those are considered BIB's and so you have regifted...!"  He was not at all amused when I explained that I made up the rules and I added some new ones... There has been a few articles printed that consisted solely of my name and book title so I'm not sure if any of those writers penned the question sent to me, but I have my suspicions...!  
In any case, I still think that Regifting Day should be Regifting Week, and/or it should be after the holidays, not before.  And I also think that we should rename regifting, since the very term seems offensive. (Thanks Jerry Seinfeld, but I still love you!!--- BTW, did you ever think of all the terms we use today that were coined on that show??!!)
OK, so look around today and gather up all of your "regiftables" --- and graciously regift something today!!  (or tomorrow, or the next day...!!)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

National Regifting Day(s)??

   A couple of years ago, the "other" regifting website (actually I like it!!) declared the Thursday before Christmas as "National Regifting Day".  This year, that would make it December 17, and it's posted on their website.  In fact, I think there is a separate website just for that.  I'm not quite sure of the reason behind that particular day, however overall I think it's a great idea.  I'm suprised Hallmark hasn't designed a line of greeting cards to celebrate the occasion...(HEY! Maybe I should design some regiftable greeting cards... !)
  But there is some confusion.  Other websites declare December 18 as "National Regifting Day", which would make it Friday this year. Google it and you will see what I mean.  Last year, the Thurs. before Christmas was Dec. 18, that date has stuck with many.
  So which day is it??  Which day should we go out of our way to regift something...if we haven't already???!  Personally, I don't see a problem with acknowledging it both days!  After all, if you are going to dedicate an entire day to eliminate some excess inventory of your regiftables in the most gracious of regifting methods, one day is simply not enough time.  Two days is not much help, either, if you have a large regift closet.  Actually, an entire 7 days of "National Regifting Week" should be put on the calendar.  Just think about it-- each day could be something different, like Hanukkah or Kwanza, only without the religious or spiritual meaning.  I'm going to ponder the ways the days could be broken down and get back to this later.  Now I've got a bunch of ideas, and you know how scary that can be.....!  Till next time-!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Holiday giveaway: Win a copy of ‘Regifting Revival!’

Holiday giveaway: Win a copy of ‘Regifting Revival!’

Holiday giveaway: Win a copy of ‘Regifting Revival!’

Hey, if you are still shopping for gifts....(I haven't even made lists yet--) this is a good way to get a FREE book!! Weeeoooo!! Send in your best regifting stories (even if you already told me...!) I'll post the best ones on my website and/or blog. (Be forewarned that everything that I post on this blog somehow gets posted on Facebook also, so if you know how to fix that, let me know...!) I get to help pick the winner, but I cannot be bribed...I'm pretty sure I can't...I doubt that I can...well, you could try...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Regift the right way

Regift the right way
This is pretty funny-- I especially like the pictures...!! (it makes it less offensive if you are related to me...!)
Lately, I can't help but feel as if I come across as rather shallow, as if solving any and all issues regarding whether or not regifting is ethically, aesthetically, ecologically and socially acceptable should be my life's work or something. This is what I struggle with daily... But what if it truly is??? What if my sole purpose in this life is really only to "revive" the regifting rationale, and that everything else is of less importance in the big scheme of things. Should I be determined to allow the relevance of regifting and when it is right-- or wrong-- to define me and determine my future?? Could this be IT? -- Could this actually be what I've been gearing up for my whole life, and everything that I've ever done has led me to this point?? I believe that I may need some guidance. I'm no longer able to be objective when outlining my lifetime obligations. Should I proactively be protecting people's rights to Life, Love, Happiness, and the pursuit of....Gracious Regifting??!! Let me know if you have any insight (or even any interest, really...!)

Friday, December 4, 2009

It's still regifting by any other name....

The other day I was talking to someone about regifting (go figure! And yes, I do talk about other when my 14 yo daughter can kiss a boy.....OMG!!!  maybe more on that later....!!)  Anyway, this guy reportedly never regifted nor never would. (or should that be ever would? Beck??)  Of course, I started into my investigative reporter questioning techniques and finally caused him to 'fess up that he has indeed regifted in the past, he just didn't call it that. So I started thinking (and reading) about some of the other ways in which people "regift", even if that isn't what they call it, so they don't think that they do. (Aside from the examples in the book)  And hopefully, when people have (actually) read my book, they will no longer be loath to regift, or whatever they feel comfortable in calling it.  So here then are a few other creative ways in which to recycle, reuse, and regift your unusual, unneeded, unuseable, or simply unwanted "gift waste" (excuse me, "the lovely items that you have received as gifts but cannot use at this time....")  Let me know if you can think of any others.  Most people already know about "White Elephant" events... but what about:
"Trash or Treasure" Auctions  (usually done for charity or fund-raising.) People donate their "regiftables" or "gently used" items for auction.  If you buy something, it's a regift. And then you can decide it's future fate.
"Purposeful Regifts":  Have you ever had a gift exchange where there is a common theme or category for the gifts that are brought to exchange? It's kind of like a collective scavenger hunt for grown-ups!  Look for these things in your regifter closet!  The "Ugliest Item"; The "Longest Kept" Item (never used); The "Tackiest Item";  The "smallest item";  The "Biggest" item; The "smelliest" item (in general,we're talking candles and stuff here...); The "Most Colorful" item; etc.  (This makes me want to have a party right now where everyone is assigned a "category" of gift to bring. Then everyone must guess as to what category your gift belongs in.....!!)
"Progressive Regifts":  You give someone 2 gifts, 1 a "regift", the other a "virgin gift" (something brand new and purchased specifically for the recipient, if you haven't -actually- read the book...)  The gift receiver chooses 1 gift to keep (not knowing which is which) and regifts the other, along with another "virgin gift".  This would be great at a party, especially for people that feel funny about regifting anything. 
"Book Exchanges":  Alot of people will read a book and then exchange it with a friend for another read.  This isn't regifting, unless you are actually giving the person the book as a gift (It's definitely regifting if you received it as a gift, read it, and are now giving it as a gift to another, even if you tell them!)
"Ornament or Gift Exchanges":  You can refuse to call it "regifting" but it is, in it's most gracious form! However, if the exchange is actually one where you draw names or bring an ornament or gift exclusively for a specific person who takes it home, then you will not be regifting. (but it's highly likely that the person receiving it will....)
"Happy UnBirthday Parties": I love this idea! Anytime during the year, and you can actually attach it to any ones birthday or significant event, you have a party where the host actually gives each of the guests a gift. Not party favors, or a goody bag, either. It is an actual regift, from their own regift closet, of course! What a way to wipe out your stash!
"Wine Taster's Regift": You get a bottle of wine, regift or not. You open it, pour a glass, sign and date the cork, and then graciously regift the bottle to someone, either for a special occassion like a BD, or just on a regular basis, like a monthly  dinner or get together.  The gift-getter then does the same-- pours a glass of wine, signs and dates the cork, and regifts it to someone else. The idea is whoever drinks the last glass keeps the cork (and the glass, if you've been regifting that as well) and then purchases or regifts another bottle of wine, and keeps it going.  I can think of alot of possibilities with this one.... I like it!!

Keep those cards and letters and great regifting ideas coming...and remember, and are terrific websites, but they are NOT MINE!  Only is the Official Website for Regifting Revival.  Don't be fooled by imitations....!
Till next time...

A real "honest-to-goodness" honor!!

This is the weblink to Michelle Singletary's column in the Wash. Post last week. Mark your calendars so that you can call in or post a regifting question on Dec. 17!! It should be alot of fun, and really funny if a bunch of my friends call in.... just keep it clean...!!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Is "regifting" really on the rise??

I came home and unpacked my books and displays from the Virginia Beach Christmas Market Sunday evening feeling completely drained and depressed... after spending Fri-Sun at the Convention Center among 3oo extremely cool "artisans", humbled by their skills and talents, I concluded that I had no business being among the "big guys" trying to sell my book. I had a lot of fun talking with the hundreds of folks stopping at my booth, and discussing the pros and cons of "regifting", and I could write a sequel with all of the great stories I heard. But selling 10 books, a few t-shirts, some magnets and a "Regifting Starter Kit" didn't seem to justify (or even come close to) the rather large "booth fee" that was required. Granted that it was a less-than-stellar weekend for most of the vendors---- hey, we are in a recession of sorts, right??. So what will be will be....imagine my extreme surprise and pleasure when Michelle Singletary, a syndicated Washington Post columnist ("The Color of Money") selected "Regifting Revival!" as her book-of-the-month for December! And equally cool was the number of on-line media sites that print her columns! Now that the number of articles, columns, blogs, and other postings about "regifting" lately has numbered into the several hundreds, it's nice to get some real credible feedback aside from that of your loyal friends and family members (especially Meg and Denise...!!Thank you both so much!!) In any case, not to sound like a complete self-centered whiner, (There are lots of other issues and concerns that we all have... including myself!!) if you get a chance to look at any of the articles, give some feedback to this blog or the website so we can have some interesting discussions.... I think that I have said this before, but the idea of regifting brings out some strong opinions and commentary from both advocates and adversaries. And you all know how I love a good "debate"....!!! Till next time--!

Monday, November 23, 2009

But wait, there's more,,,

Don't forget that those "buy on get one free" deals (BOGO's) make great gifts, but they are, in fact, still regifts... Remember that anything you give someone as a gift is considered a type of regift, unless you actually purchased it brand-spanking new (not used or newly made from used) specifically for that person!
The stuff you buy at craft shows and bazaars, for example, are only considered regifts if you buy a bunch of items that you think would make swell gifts for someone, but you have no specific person in mind at that particular time. I was at a craft fair this weekend, selling both books and jewelry (next one I'll be at is at Rosemont Forest Elem
. School in Va. Bch. Sat. Dec. 5 ) and I was explaining the differences to some curious buyers. Some were picking out things they thought would make nice gifts, but weren't sure who would get what. (Regifts!) Others were picking out something for Susie, something for Mary, etc. (not regifts, but "virgin gifts" --even if they are not for virgins! You can down-load the rest of the examples from my website

At this same craft fair, I also met a neat lady who really does create these wonderfully original gifts from recycled things. She was calling them regifts, which I thought was pretty funny-- (and true, according to "the book"...) She was really cool, and you'll be hearing more about her later. We have "plans"...
Till next time!

There really is a "revival" of regifting...!!!

To date (I'm using 10/01/09 as my start date since that's when my book was released) there have been approximately 263 postings, articles, comments, etc. about regifting (or re-gifting) on-line via Google. Two hundred and sixty three!! And I may have missed a few... This isn't even counting anything via Yahoo, or any of the many other current search engines that people use. That tells me that "regifting" is an even hotter topic now than ever! Although I would like to personally take credit for the remarkable renewed interest, considering the fact that out of those 263 internet postings, there have been only about a dozen relating to my book, and the less-than-stellar book sales, I regret to say that I cannot.
(fyi: each and every time someone posts anything about regifting, via Google, by mentioning it in a blog, or column or article, etc., it gets organized into a category and sends out an "alert" by email to anyone who has requested one. The "alert" shows the link to the blog or article or whatever, just like if you did a search on Google. You can request "alerts" for any topic you choose....try it and see for yourself!)
What is even more interesting to me is that it's still a fiercely debated subject! There are still die-hard anti-regifters, but it seems to me (and I have not expertly researched this) that more and more people are seeing the benefits of regifting, and if they haven't already, may be considering the possibilities! And people are becoming more adamant and vocal about it!
Doesn't that just give you chills???!!! (or maybe it's the fact that we still have not yet turned on our heat...!) And keep those cards and letters and blog posts and Tweets and website hits a'coming...... Till next time!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Where Am I??

Guess what happens when an internet ignoramous has a legitimate issue with the internet, and can't accurately explain the problem to the experts??? Why, you try to "fix it" yourself, and end up with serious computer problems that take down your entire system forEVER, of course. So I've been awol for an inexusable amount of time. Meanwhile, the world of Regifting is exploding all around me, and I am helpless to confront it. Or my website. Or Twitter. Or Facebook. Or any of the other half dozen social networking sites that I am committed to keeping up with on a reasonable basis. I think I missed the entire month of October. (And did I also mention that my cell phone has also been most unreliable??) The only good thing has been that I have been busy as a little bee making jewelry and participating in local craft shows. I have also been selling my book at them as well, and it's an interesting mix. In any case, I have alot of catching up to do. And this is a crucial time for all of us regifters, and gracious regifter wannabees. I receive at least half a dozen "google alerts" daily about any blogs, web articles, etc. that have anything to do with, or even mention regifting. (Sporadically I did have email capability, but no web access.) This is prime regifting time. And the split is still generally 50/50 as far as being "for" or "against" this gift-giving method.
Ok-- enough whining and lame excuses. The time is NOW for all regifters to band together and personally promote this ecological and economical practice once and for all!! An unwanted gift is a terrible thing to waste!! Regifting is the best way we know to recycle our unwanted gift waste, right???! It is the economically and ecologically responsible thing to do, RIGHT??
All righty, then. I'm stepping off my soap box for the night, and I hereby promise to post regularly. There are several regifting websites, (besides mine) and I will get the links on here as well. Meanwhile, if you have any good regifting stories, or suggestions or anything else you consider postable, please do. I'm not doing this for me health, you know.... Till next time--!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I'm Baaaaaackkkk....!

If you can believe this-- ever since I returned from Austin, TX Oct. 2, I have been without or with sporadic internet access. If you do alot of on-line stuff, ie. blogging, tweeting, research, or shopping, to name just a few, that is a problem. A HUGE problem, even for people that are web-challenged, like myself. (The only positive from this is that I was able to do alot more work on my jewelry and get my house cleaned...sort of...) Thankfully the problem has finally now been solved. It's amazing to me that every single "tech" expert that we contacted, either via phone or in person, had a different answer for what the problem was, and how to "fix it". The ones we actually took the computer to even showed us "the problem" and explained it in excrutiating detail. However, it took the 7th "expert" to ask what we thought was a stupid, almost insulting question-- "have you tried using a different mouse?" Huh?? Well, no in fact, we hadn't tried that. (YES we had changed the batteries...!!) So we did. And miraculously (seriously, I cried--!) everything worked just the way it was supposed to!! (He explained it as similar to some DVDs not playing in certain players, but usually there's actually no "technical reason" --- they just won't play in certain machines.) "But why was it working before and then suddenly stopped?? "I dunno." "Could it happen again?" "Maybe." "And all we have to do is use a different mouse?" "Probably."
All righty then...
I'm so glad to be back online-- there's so much to catch up on. Book sales so far have been -- weeelllll, suffice it to say that I won't be talking to anyone about 2nd printings any time soon...! I am so appreciative of all friends and family who have purchased a copy-- even if you haven't read it! Hey, you can always regift it!! In any case, I still have alot of work to do, people to call, places to go.... Again, if you have any ideas or potential contact information, you can either email me, if it's a personal contact, or Tolly if it's something or someone who would need a more "professional" approach. I will be on local TV (WAVY10) on Tuesday morning, Oct. 20 talking about my book. I think it's going to be taped live and then played later on during their morning show. All I know is that I have to be there at 6am...and lucky for me that's when I look and feel my very best....NOT!! Supposedly I will be able to post the interview somehow on my website and/or this blog. If you're local, tune in and see if my "media training" in Austin was beneficial...!! If nothing else, it should be entertaining-!!
Till next time---!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Watch for the Media Blitz tomorrow for the book release....!!

You can certainly watch for it, but I don't think you'll notice anything....Oct.1 actually is the "official release date" for my book, but unless you have an extremely large fan base--i.e. Dan Brown or Jodi Piccault, the only people that will notice anything different tomorrow are-- no one!! That's ok, I just finished a media training seminar today in Austin, TX (home of Phenix & Phenix Literary Publicists, and BookPros, Independent Book Publishing) and I learned that I must be veeeerrrryyy patient... and it can take years for a book to really take off. All righty, then, I've got lots of time. So here's my plan to help the time go a bit faster... Starting tomorrow, every time you go into a bookstore--any bookstore--ask for "Regifting Revival!" If they don't have it, ask them "why?" (!) and then request them to order it. If they get enough requests, they will actually order it (I'm not sure how many requests they have to get-- millions maybe) If the store does carry it, find all of the copies, pick them up, and lay them randomly all around the store, even covering up some other titles prominently displayed...
If everybody does these things repeatedly (or until you are banned from the store) then, at some point within the next "years", there should be some kind of sales action. Hopefully it will be positive. So anyhow, even though you won't see me on all of the networks tomorrow, my book will actually become available in stores. Thanks for your support!! Tomorrow, I will tell about the other authors I met today, and about their books. I was extremely impressed!! Till next time--!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Check this out! What a great idea!

I just came across a really cool product that I wanted to share. In fact, I actually "tweeted" it!! (That in itself is a very big deal, you know...!) They are called "Karma Cards" and they are made by a fairly new company called "NewLeaf Paper Products". They are notecards made from 100% recycled paper. When you send one to someone, they can tear off the top part and use it as a post card to send to someone else!! How cool is that??! REGIFTABLE NOTECARDS!! Of course, being one who usually starts writing on the proper side but ends up also writing on the top part and then the backside as well (I have a challenge with space definition and alignment, ok??) I would have to be careful so that the top part could actually be reused. I thought of stuff like that, but you know how that goes--- all thought and no action... (and you may keep your snarky remarks to yourself on that one, thankyouverymuch). You are probably asking yourself, "Why, what other unique and original regifting product ideas do I have??" (why?, so you can take them, make them happen, get featured on talk shows and enviromental blogs, become a millionaire and leave me in the dust?? Homeless and living out of the boxes that my books came in, eeking out a meager existance by giving passerby's a copy of my book and hopeing for a spare coin or bill to be stuffed into the paper cup being held out by my starving children?? Is that why you ask? Do you even really care?? Well I'm not going to tell you. So there.
Ok, it's time for my meds. Till next time....!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Shared via AddThis

Shared via AddThis

They're Here! They're Here!!

The new books are (already) here! I have to admit it was kind of cool to get a box from with books you ordered (which I actually do get several times a month...) and I am the author!) Ok, sorry to sound so self-absorbed (which, unfortunately I know I have been lately) Unfortunately, I found out too late that there are already "used copies" available much cheaper ! I emailed the vendor that had "2 used copies currently in stock" and wondered how he already had used copies when it doesn't even get released till Oct.1. I also noted that I should have purchased from him since his were cheaper, and they couldn't have been used for very long...!! Apparently there is even a used copy in UK for $23. Are you kidding me???? In any case, if you had actually pre-ordered a copy from, you should be getting it real soon-- like this week. (At least I got free shipping!) And since NO ONE has reviewed it yet...(is that a very telling thing?? should I be worried????) you can be THE FIRST ONE!! I'm including the link to so someone can post something---pleeeeeze??? Enough whining... I am so distracted and overwhelmed lately (lately??) that all I want to do is take a nap. Seriously I do appreciate all of my friends and family who have been so supportive, especially since this last year I have been such a biatche'... yep, naptime.....till later--!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Look at me-- I'm Tweeting...!!

I'm almost catching up to the 21st century technology--- my publicist had me join "Twitter" and so far I am most likely to be voted the "Biggest Twit". ("my publicist".... does that sound cool and ultra-important, or what??! Oh, Oprah, here I come!!) I think to date, I have 2 people following my tweets (I'm sorry, but it is really hard to even type that with a straight face and without a snarky thought...) One of them is not my publicist--- and the other is not "Katie" who wants me to "see her naked pictures" and even has the courtesy to send me her private video link to make it easier! Who knew you could get Twitter spam? (They should call it "spatter")
I'm told it will get easier as I get (older?) used to it...

Till the next time-- less than 2 weeks till the "Revival".... and remember that regifting is only recycling your unwanted gift waste graciously!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Ok, I think I may have figured this out at last.... maybe. In case you were not aware, I am completely web-challenged, and that includes anything else that is even remotely connected. My own website for the book is mostly being created by my brother-in-law, since I am even struggling to start a blog. Between trying to keep up with emails, websites, Facebook, MySpace, blogging, posting, and now "tweeting", I am about to lose my mind--at least the parts that haven't already been lost. I have just set up a "Twitter" account ( and I am still trying to digest this concept as well. I am embarrassed to admit that I am utterly incompetent in the "social networking" scene. Pathetic, huh?! Especially since they are all supposed to improve the efficiency and status of your personal and business worlds. I suppose it's like anything else, difficult at first-- especially if you are clueless-- but in time gets easier.... I'm just not sure I have that much time left. In any case, I am removing the blog from my website, and will have a link to this blog. I will make every honest attempt to post at least weekly, with the exciting details of my life for all to read and be entertained by... and to help the public become better acquainted with me, and probably more importantly, my book! Please be patient with me, and if you have any helpful hints or suggestions, please hurry and let me know....!!

Till next time...!


Somebody-- was it you??-- suggested that people could submit their oddest, or most regiftable gift(ing) experience. Was it a gift you got? Or a gift you gave?? Or a gift that you got and then gave again??? Or did you get a gift that you have absolutely no idea how to graciously regift it, and would like some "reader response"?? It would be fun to hear about other's experiences, and depending on the submissions, maybe there could be a contest-- weekly? monthly?? T-shirts, or jewelry, or something for the winner. Readers vote for winner? I pick the winner?? Any ideas? Anyone? (Bueller?)

Ok, then I'll start....! Several years ago when I was still working as a bank manager, one of my "special" customers, whom I had helped on numerous occasions, gave me a "Thankyou" gift. She was elderly, about 90, and still had a wicked sense of humor-- she would tell me things that a) one wouldn't normally tell their banker; b) her banker didn't need to know; and c) her banker didn't want to know. I didn't open it till I got home, and I couldn't believe it. She had given me a pewter "Muscle Man Light Switch Cover". If you are having absolutely no reaction to this, then you obviously don't know what a "Muscle Man Light Switch Cover" is, or what it looks like. Or could look like, is probably a better visual. Take a look at the nearest light switch plate cover. Now imagine a pewter "muscle man" fashioned into it, straddling the light switch...ok, you don't have to keep flicking the switch-- you get the picture. Needless to say, I was shocked, amused--wait, definitely more amused than shocked. I seriously thought it was quite possible that she honestly didn't "get" where the switch would actually get flicked-- she just thought it was quite funny that a naked man would be embossed into a pewter lightswitch cover. It really was rather elegant looking--at first glance. I wasn't sure how to acknowledge her gift, so I just wrote her a note thanking her for her kindness and the lovely light switch cover, blah blah blah and didn't specifically mention the gifts "attributes". When she came in about a week later she strode up to my desk and, with a snide grin on her face asked me "Did you wonder where I got it?" After a slew of answers spun through my head, I decided to play dumb: "Good Morning, what are you talking about?" "Why the naked man thing I gave you! Did you show your husband? (oh, yeah...!!) "Oh, that- well yes, we thought it was lovely. We haven't found a place yet to put it, but we will...." "I got it from my granddaughter but where in the hell would I put something like that-- besides it was too heavy, but I figured you would like it!" HA! A REGIFT!! Well we had a good giggle about the "naked man" but never really got to the details... To this day I still don't really know if she knew what she had or not-- but I still have it, but where in the hell would I put it, and besides it is really heavy---but it's in my regift closet just waiting for the right person, right occasion... too bad my grandmother is deceased-- I figure she would have liked it!

Ok, now it's your turn...!



Do you think regifting will gain a wider acceptance this holiday?

About Me

My photo
Born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, I began regifting at an early age. My whole family routinely regifted and still does. I never realized it was such a social slap-in-the-face until I was much older and could afford to actually purchase presents for people. But still, I regularly regifted. Friends were offended, co-workers and employees were enraged, and customers and clients were incredulous! Why in the world would anyone want to give someone a gift that they had already gotten? “Well”, I wondered, “Why not?” It seemed to me that there were numerous reasons to resort to regifting when giving a gift was expected. For one, why waste a present that could be perfectly appropriate for another person, just because it wasn’t something that I necessarily needed or wanted, when someone else seriously might be excited to receive it? Plus, it seemed as if some pretty good gifts were getting wasted, when the whole world was working on reducing and recycling our otherwise useless stuff for the protection of our planet. I figured (as my family had frequently found before) that regifting was really the most responsible way for anyone to recycle their unwanted gift waste, once and for all!

"Regifting Revival" In The News!!!

To date, there have been umpteen polls, surveys, discussions, and debates, and hundreds of articles and blog postings about the pros and cons about regifting. Perhaps I actually did "start a revival" of sorts. It sure seems to me that there is significantly more regifting controversy now than ever before. (Or maybe I'm just more aware of it all... but I'd rather pretend it all stems from my book...!) Even though Sarah Palin bumped me from my guest spot on "Oprah" (and every other talk show, too...!) there have actually been quite a few (out of 1,099 and counting...) articles, columns, comments, live interviews (so there, Oprah!!) and blog posts (besides my own) specifically mentioning "Regifting Revival!", The Book. Here are some weblinks in case you are wondering just who and where they are. If you happen to see, hear, or read anything else that you think I should know about, feel free to contact me. And if you have personally read some or all of my book, don't forget to post a review (ie., Google, etc.)

What they said...

(As of 12/28/09)

*indicates original article- most are reprints/reposts of originals

Audios/Videos/Live Interviews* re:

Regifting Revival! A Guide to Reusing Gifts Graciously!

  1. *BookExpoAmerica (Podcast):
  2. *FOX43T.V. (On-Air Interview):
  4. *WBCL Mid-Morning Show: (Radio Broadcast)
  5. *Color of Money w/Michelle Singletary (Wash.Post Live Q&A):
  6. *News/Talk 760 WJR:

Articles, Columns, Blogs re: Regifting Revival! A Guide to Reusing Gifts Graciously!

  1. My website:
  1. My blog:
  1. My Facebook:

  1. *The Washington Post:

  1. *The Lexington Dispatch:

  1. *Philly.Com (Philadelphia Inquirer):

  1. *Albany Times Union:
  2. *The Daily Green:
  3. *Lincoln Journal Star: *1) *2) *3)
  4. Black

  1. (Boston Globe):

  1. Toronto Sun:

  1. Winnipeg Sun:

  1. (Omaha World Herald):

  1. HeraldNet (Washington Daily Herald):

  1. Fresno Bee:

  1. Mobile Daily Press:

  1. The Roanoke Times:

  1. Contra Costa Times:

  1. Yahoo/Green:

  1. Vancouver Sun Media:

  1. *Albany Times Union (“Simpler Living” blog):

  1. Facebook:

  1. Record Net (San Joachim Record):

  1. (Knoxville Examiner):

  1. The Mercury:

  1. LJWorld (Lawrence Journal World & News):

  1. The Reading Eagle (Minneapolis Reading Eagle):

  1. Albany Times Union (“Simpler Living” blog):

  1. *The Oklahoman (“Parties Extra” blog):

  1. *Woman’s Day Magazine:


  1. “Eco Justice” blog:

  1. “Organized by Marcie” blog:

  1. *Virginian Pilot: *1) ; *2)

  1. Louisiana Daily Comet:

  1. Norfolk City Democrats” blog:


  1. Oakland Tribune:

  1. Lancaster Intelligencer-Journal:

41. “Recycle, Rebuild, Reuse” blog:

42. Huffpost Green (The Huffington Post):

43. Fox43tv (WAVY10):

  1. USA Today:

  1. The Daily Press:,0,4404926.story
  2. (The Gainesville Sun):
  3. Allvoices:
  4. The Tribune (The Welland Tribune):
  5. (“Reading Eagle”-Reading, PA):
  6. Calgary Sun:
  7. The Sudbury Star:
  8. The Dayton Daily News:
  10. “Birthday Creative Ideas” blog:
  11. *My San Antonio:
  12. London Free Press:
  13. The St. Catharines Standard:
  14. Christian Science Monitor: *1.) *2)
  15. All Business:
  16. Press Enterprise:
  17. 99Actions:
  18. Stratford Beacon Herald:
  19. The Sault Star:
  20. Northern News:
  21. Hartford Current:
  22. Southtown Star:
  23. (Blog):
  24. DayLife:
  25. Springfield News-Sun:
  26. The Business Exchange:
  27. Ashland Times Gazette:
  28. *
  29. *Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
  30. *The Denver Post:
  31. Istockanalyst:
  32. Treehugger:
  33. Standard Net Live:
  34. Wopular:
  35. The Columbus Dispatch: